Vaccinating your cat is very important for their health and for the control of infectious disease, not only for your cat but for the cat population as a whole. The greater the proportion of the population that is vaccinated the lower the risk for your cat, even when they themselves are vaccinated. Kittens are typically vaccinated at 9 and 12 weeks of age and then annual boosters afterwards.

Cat Flu 
Feline herpes virus and feline calici virus. Cat flu symptoms can range from mild to severe with sneezing, nasal discharge, mouth ulcers, sore eyes and reduced appetite. Cat flu is usually acquired via close contact with affected cats.

Feline Infectious Enteritis 
(Cat parvo virus) this causes usually severe vomiting and diarrhoea, but can cause neurological signs especially in kittens infected before or soon after birth. It can also be rapidly fatal.

Feline Leukaemia Virus (FeLV)
Infection with FeLV usually results in persistent, lifelong infection. Most cats will develop disease and die within 3 years of being diagnosed with the infection. It is usually transmitted via close contact and mainly via the exchange of saliva –usually prolonged close contact is required for infection to occur.

Regular worming prevents your cat or dog becoming ill from a worm infection, there are several types of worm that can infect your pet and cause illness such as skin irritations, diarrhoea and worse, some can be fatal if left untreated.
Talk to one of our vets today about the best course of treatment for your particular animal, prevention is definitely better than cure in this case.
These include:
Tapeworms – long flat worms made up of multiple segments that can grow to 55cm long. These worms shed their segments which can be seen in faeces and resemble white rice grains.
Roundworms – look like a ‘typical worm’, being white and string like in appearance. These worms can sometimes be seen in faeces or vomit but often stay within your pet’s digestive tract.

Lungworms – live in the lungs and airways and not the digestive tract. Lungworm has only become a problem in the UK recently but are potentially fatal if not treated.
Most animals are infected with worms via ingesting their eggs or larva. This can be directly from the ground (roundworms) or via ingestion of an intermediate host like a flea, slug or snail (tapeworm and lungworm). Some worms can also spread directly from mum to pup/kitten via the placentae and in some circumstances even the milk.
Worm infections vary in the clinical signs that they cause. These may include vomiting, diarrhoea, weight loss or respiratory problems. We must also remember that some worms can be transmitted from animals to humans, especially children, so it is important to regularly protect your pet from infection.
There are multiple products on the market these days to treat and prevent against all types of worms in cats and dogs. No one product suits every animal therefore talk to one of our staff or book a free nurse clinic to chat about your pets lifestyle and how best to protect them.

Microchipping has become a routine procedure these days and is often carried out at the time of vaccination, but can be done at any time or age. A tiny chip (approximately the size of a grain of rice) is injected under the skin where it will remain and act as a ‘barcode’ for your pet’s identity. In the unfortunate event of your pet getting lost or stolen, or if they end up in a rescue shelter or a vet practice, they will be scanned with a microchip reader which will enable the organisation to identify you as their owner and reunite you with your pet.

Your pet’s microchip will be registered on a nationwide database allowing them to be reunited with you from anywhere in the country. It will soon become a legal requirement for all dogs to be micro-chipped, but in the meantime it is an invaluable resource for your pet’s safety.

Contact us today to book an appointment for your pet’s microchip!

Spaying female cats
The main advantages of spaying your cat include:
• Stops your cat having unwanted pregnancies
• Stops the development of cancer of the ovaries and uterus
• Stops her from coming into ‘season’ frequently
Cats can be spayed from four months of age – prior to spaying your cat should have a health check with the vet to ensure she is healthy and they are happy for the procedure to go ahead. There is no benefit to your cat of having a litter before she is spayed.
Castrating male cats:
The advantages of castration:
• Prevents him from fathering unwanted kittens
• Makes him less likely to fight with other cats and therefore reduces his chance of getting feline AIDs (FIV) which isspread by bites.
• Less likely to spray urine in the house
Cats can be castrated from four months of age – prior to castration your cat should have a health check with the vet to ensure he is healthy and they are happy for the procedure to go ahead.

We offer a free ‘preventative’ healthcare clinic for cats and dogs over the age of 8 years.
This free clinic takes about 30 minutes. An optional and price-discounted blood test can also be taken, to identify any underlying medical problems such as liver or kidney disease. Also included are checks on weight, teeth and arthritis.
The consultation gives you the opportunity to discuss any subtle changes you may have noticed in your pet. Any problems can be promptly treated enabling your pet to live longer and enjoy a fuller life.

It is essential for all pet owners to know how to deal with emergencies and when to call the vets. Sometimes it is difficult to decide whether your pet needs urgent attention or treatment. If you spot any of these symptoms, you should phone the practice:

  • Your pet seems to be in pain
  • Severe vomiting
  • Your pet cannot get up or walk
  • Your pet’s breathing is rapid and noisy
  • Your pet is unable to urinate or defecate
  • In case of a road accident try to approach your cat slowly, pick them up gently by placing
  • one hand on the front of the chest and the other under the hindquarters.

Even if it is an emergency, try to keep calm, call the vet as soon as possible and never give human medication to your pet.

If you suspect that your cat has eaten any of the following, please, contact the surgery:

  • Chocolate
  • Dairy products
  • Fat trimmings
  • High-fat fish
  • Grapes and raisins
  • Onion and garlic
  • Alcohol
  • Coffee, tea, energy drinks or caffeine
  • Xylitol
  • Human medications
  • Lilies
  • Rhododendron
  • Daffodil bulbs
  • Yeast and dough
  • Poinsettia